OsirisOsirisInstructions OSIRIS Student EnglishInstructions Osiris StudentHow to request an exemption? (not applicable for the Academy for Games & Media and the Academy for Tourism)

How to request an exemption? (not applicable for the Academy for Games & Media and the Academy for Tourism)

Go to the menu " Progress"

1. Select your study programme
2. Click on "request exemption"



1. Print the exemption request form first.
2. Tick the course(s) for which you want to request an exemption. If the course consists of several tests, select the test for which you want to request an exemption.
3. In the first field you can write your reasons for exemption

Hand in the completed form to the Board of Examiners of your study programme. And follow the procedure as states in the TER (Tuition and Examinaton Regulations).