Add own characteristics of students

These instructions show you how to add characteristics of students.

Go to the "Tutor" menu

Go in the main menu to student.

1. This tab displays the  Supervision - My students selection

2. When you click on: [ Make selection]  and then on the triangle,  you can select all rows.

After selecting one or more students, you go to Actions and click on [Add characteristics]

Add a new or existing characteristic and confirm this by clicking on  [Add characteristics]

You can also delete characteristics

  1. Click on the magnifying glass to the right of  My remark
  2. In the pop-up screen, select  which students you want to select.
  3. Click on [OK]
  1. At My remark you see the selection you have made
  2. Then click on Search
  3. You now see the selection of students who have this characteristic
  4. Click on [Make selection], again the triangle (next to Hide selection)
  5. Click on the triangle next to Actions and click on Delete characteristics

Choose the characteristic  you wish to delete and then click on Delete characteristic


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