Search student

Click directly on student or go via Menu to Student

Go to: "Search student" menu
  1. You can go directly to student or via Menu to Student
  2. This icon will lead you back to this screen from whichever screen you are in.

Results of the query

Results of the query
  1. Choose your own students
  2. You can filter your selection by choosing for example, student numbers. Please note: via the three lines you can fill in multiple student numbers.
  3. Instead of filling in the filters you can also use pre-selected filters like:  'last selection' or just ' search a student'
  4. Then click on ' Search'
  1. Select all the students via the 'Make selection' button
  2. Via the Actions button, you can make the selection  'Excel file'  to get a list of all the students including study address.
  3. There is a possibility to select multiple studentgroups as shown in the next shot. (see below)
  4. If your selection is not specified enough, not all students will be shown. You will get this warning. Change your selection to get all students you need.

To select more student groups you will have to;

  1. Click on the magnifying glass to get a pop-up window from where you can search for multiple student groups.
  2. By using % you get all the results with that value.
  3. Select all the groups you want to use and click on OK.


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