How do members of the board of examiners approve results of an exchange period?
For: Members of the board of examiners.
Goal: To check the Transcript of Records and Learning Agreement for the purpose of approving ECTS credits obtained abroad.
Start: Student Office has received and uploaded Transcript of Records. It will be uploaded in the student's file in Osiris. Student and board of examiners will receive a notification per email.
Transcript of records received and uploaded by Student Office to student - Documents.
After receiving a copy of this email:
Go to Student -> Documents
Open documents to check if the required ECTS credits are obtained according to the Learning Agreement:
- Transcript of Records
- Most recent Learning Agreement.
by clicking on the pdf files.
With both documents side by side you can check whether the courses have been passed and all the ECTS credits can be awarded by the Osiris employee / secretariat of the academy.
If the student has not passed all courses, he or she must contact the academic coordinator to make further arrangements.
Go to 'Notes' and click on [New note]
- Select the Degree programme to which the note applies.
- Search under board of examiners for the subject 'Exchange'.
- Select 'Board of examiners' as type of note.
- Check 'Secretariat of the academy' at 'Note is shared with'.
- Select form 'Approval BoE ToR(APPROVAL BOE TOR)'.
- Check 'Note' at 'Visible to the student?' This allows the student to track how far along the ToR processing is.
- Indicate in the form the academic year, the semester, how many ECTS credits have been approved and may be registered in Osiris.
More information about creating notes can be found here: Create or modify notes and actions with students
Secretariat or employee of the academy charged with the task of registering ECTS credits obtained abroad can now continue.
The at the beginning received email can be forwarded to the right person so that he or she can register the ECTS credits, the courses and results. Only forwarding this email is sufficient, the employee in question can then find all the necessary information in the note that has been shared and in the uploaded documents (TOR and Learning Agreement).
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