Create or modify notes and actions with students

These instructions show you how to create or modify notes and/or actions with your student(s).

Go to: > Student > Notes

First go to the "Student" menu and search for a student. Select the student and open the profile of the student, as you can see in the screenshot above.  

1. Then go to the Notes tab
2. And select New Notes

"Notes details" screen

  1. Select the type of note (for example: Strictly confidential, Board of Examiners or Coaching).
  2. Select the Degree programme of the student.
  3. If you click on the plus, you can add a subject to your note (compulsary). It is possible to set a default subject for notes, see Setting the security defaults of your notes.
  4. If you are writing a note as a coach (study career coach, placement coach, graduation coach etc.) and you want to make your note visible to other coaches within the programme of the student, then choose the type of note "coaching" and always select "register via form COACHING" and fill in the form. Check the group to actually share the note (see number 7). If you are writing a note and you do not want to make use of the form in order to share with all coaches, then continue your note by writing the contents (see number 5).
  5. This is the field to write the contents of your note. There is a separate field for registering a decision (optional).
  6. Enable if you want to make the note visible for the student as well. In case you've chosen to share your note with all coaches, it must always be shared with the student as well. If visibility of the content is enabled, the student will receive an automatic notification when a note has been registered.
  7. Here you can select with whom you would like to share your note.
  8. If you click on the plus, you can add an attachment. After you created a note for the student, the student him/herself can also add attachments to the note.
  9. It is possible to set a deadline for your note. Read the following manual about deadlines and action points.
  10. When finished, click [save] to register the note.


To check with whom the note will be shared, click on "i" next to "Note is shared with". A pop-up will show with the groups and or rolls the note will be shared with. Click on the arrow in front of the group or roll to see the actual person(s).

Overview notes and action points

  1. If you go to the student(s) > notes , you will get an overview of all notes for which you are authorised.
  2. In the note above you can see that a deadline was set for this note. Deadline can have different colors.
    Red --> deadline has expired
    Orange --> deadline is within 5 days
    Green --> deadline is in more than 5 days
    When you set a deadline for your note, the note remains visible on you dashboard in Osiris as an open action point.
    You do not receive a notification of your deadline and it is also not connected to your outlook. It is only visible on your dashboard. See the screenshot below.

Click on the number to go to the open action points. You will then automatically go to the open action points. See screenshot below.

Overview open action points


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