Setting the defaults of your notes and changing type and 'share with'
These instructions show how to set the default for the type of your notes. The type of note is decisive for who you can share the note with. When creating a new note, the set type is always shown. It is possible to change the type of note. It is also possible to not set a standard type of note. In that case, the type of note must always be selected when creating a note. This instruction also shows how to change the type of note from existing notes and change with whom you share the note.
Go to: Login name > My details
- First go to the pull-down menu attached to your name and select [ My details ]
- Then go to [ Settings ]
- And select [ Change ] in order to set your defaults
Set the defaults of your note
- Here you can select the type of note.
- Here you can set the default subject.
- Here you can select what the student may see, as a standard setting.
Make sure you save your default settings.
For notes the following options are possible:
Strictly confidential: the note will not be shared with any college
Student Counsellor (only available for Student Counsellors): the note will be shared with the Student Counsellors of the same faculty, additionally you can choose to share the note with the Board of Examiners and/or coaches
Board of Examiners (only available for memebers of the Board of Examiners): the note will be shared with the members of the Board of Examiners of the same faculty, additionally you can choose to share the note with the Student Counsellors, Secretariat and/or coaches
General: You can choose to share the note with the Board of Examiners, Student Counsellors and/or coaches
The setting of the type of note is not sufficient to guarantee the security of a note. It is important for every note you create, to make the correct choices with whom you share the note with and what the student may see. See also Create or modify notes and actions with students
Change type of note for existing notes
It may be desirable to change the type of note from existing notes. By adjusting the type of a note, you also adjust with whom the note is shared. It is possible to change this 'sharing with'.
Click in the first screen on "Student", then choose the tab "Notes"
- You can only change the type of your own notes.
- Click [Make Selection] and select the notes of which you want to change the type of note.
- Click on [Actions] and choose "Change type of note".
- A pop-up will show in which you can select the new type of note. The 'share with' settings change to the standard settings of the choosen type of note.
- It is possible to change the 'share with' choices for all the selected notes.
- Click on "Change" to change the type of note.
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