Register results per course module

These instructions show you how to register results per course module.

Go to the menu Grade

Go to the menu Grade
  1. Select [Grade] to go to all courses.

Select the course

BUAS@Work - Desktop Viewer
  1. Fill in the academic year and the course code (or part of it). If necessary, you can extend your search by filling in more information of the course.
  2. Press enter or [Search]. The courses that comply with your requirements will be shown on your screen.  If you did not enter any requirements, you will see all courses you are authorized to register results for. Every test element and opportunity is presented separately.
  3. You can see the progress of the course: the number of students waiting for a result (no grades), the number of grades that are already saved, but not signed (pending) and the number of grades that are completed.
  4. Select the course module for which you want to enter the results.
  5. Within the course you can sort the tests on the test date (descending of ascending).
  6. Select if you want to see the results filled in by your colleague lecturers who are connected to the same course.

Entering results separately

Enter results seperately

All registered students are shown on your screen.

  1. On the left side of the screen it is possible to extend your search: student group or student for example. 'Show only students with' gives you the possibility to show students with or without a previous grade.
  2. Enter the results for each student separately.  Osiris will recognise commas as well as dots. Results will be saved with commas. Missed opportunities (MO) are also entered here as a result. If you click on the magnifier, a pop-up will show the possibilities for this test and the abbreviations.
  3. Depending on the settings in Osiris, the actual test date can already be filled in at 'Test date'. If the date is already entered, it is not possible to change it. Otherwise you can enter the date yourself (please use as test date for assignments the hand-in date and for oral exams the date that the oral exam took place). The date will be entered automatically for the other students when you enter the grade.
  4. When the result is obtained abroad, you have to choose the country. For these courses the option [Show details] is automatically selected.
  5. When you are done entering the grades you can [Save] the results. You can also do this while you are in the process of entering the grades.  
  6. If you need to change or delete all results, choose 'Clear grades' at [Actions].
  7. If you want to register the same grade for multiple students, click on [Make selection]. The next step will show you the procedure.
  8. To finalise the grades, choose [Sign]. If the inspection opportunity for students is yet to come, do not sign the grades immediately. Final results can only be changed through the Osiris Back Office with authorisation of the Board of Examiners.

You can find the instructions for entering grades by reading in a file here: Entering results by reading in file

Entering multiple results at once

Select test
  1. Click on [Make selection]. This will now change into [Hide selection].
  2. Select the students for whom you want to enter the same grade.
  3. Press [Actions] and choose 'Assign grade'.
  4. Enter the result. Osiris will recognise commas as well as dots. Results will be saved with commas. Missed opportunities (MO) are also entered here as a result.
  5. Depending on the settings in Osiris, the actual test date can already be filled in at 'Test date. If the date is already entered, it is not possible to change it. Otherwise you can enter the date yourself (please use as test date for assignments the hand-in date and for oral exams the date that the oral exam took place).
  6. [Assign] the grade. The results are saved automatically.
  7. To finalise the grades, choose [Sign]. If the inspection opportunity for students is yet to come, do not sign the grades immediately. Final results can only be changed through the Osiris Back Office with authorisation of the Board of Examiners.

    When the result is obtained abroad, you have to enter this in Osiris as well. Entering multiple grades at the same time is not possible. You have to enter these individually.

Signing results

Here you see the results you are going to sign. Check the results and test date again.
You can also select individual students for which you would already make the grade final, while the rest of the list will remain in concept.

  1. Click [Sign electronically] and fill in the information necessary for authentication.


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