Menu Grades
This instruction shows the options in menu Grade for lecturers.
Go to: menu Grades
- Via "Tests" you can enter/or adjust your grades per course. All test moments for which you can enter the grades will automatically appear on the screen. By selecting the test moment you will automatically be forwarded to the list with students so you can start entering the grades. For instructions about entering grades per course please read the following manual.
- Via "Students" you can enter grades per student. In this screen you can search for students to enter grades for. Osiris automatically selects students with a registration only, and for the course you are authorized. For instructions about entering grades per student please read the following manual.
- Via "Completed grades" you can see all completed grades. So the grades that you've made final by signing electronically. You get an overview per result list that you completed. Via the filters on the left side, you can search for a specific test.
- Via "Pending" you can see all grades that have been entered but not completed. You can still make some adjustments. From here, you can sign all pending result lists at once. but you can also select individual students in the concept list if in any case you would like to make some grades final already and keep the other grades a bit longer in concept.
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