INT SKC AI: How should the ADE academy process the AI applicants in Osiris Application?
Purpose: Processing the AI applicants by the academy ADE in the Osiris Application module.
For whom: Academy staff ADE
Setting your e-mail signature before you start working with My online application (you only need to do this once).
During the application and admission process, the applicant receives several automatically sent e-mail messages. In case an e-mail message is sent by the academy, the e-mail signature of the person performing the action in the system is displayed in the e-mail. Therefore, it is important to set your e-mail signature in the system. You only need to do this once.
1. Click in the right upper corner (green bar) on your name > Personal configurations
2. Click on "Messages"
3. Here you can enter your e-mail signature. Be aware that, in case you work for multiple academies or programmes, this signature should apply for all options.
4. Click on Save
Go to: Menu 2301 to find out which applicants have been invited for the assessment
Situation: international applicants are first assessed by Student Office. Only applicants who (conditionally) meet the educational requirements, will be invited to complete the academy's study choice activities.
1. Go to Menu 2301 ("Applications" or "Werkvoorraad") and click on ENTER
2. Open the process "INT AI: International bachelor applicants AI 2324
3. Click on the "+" of "Assessment / selection academy" and select "AI: Link for online assessment sent - not yet completed"
How to change the status of the applicant into "Invited for Interview"
Situation: the applicant has completed the online assessment and is now to be invited for the interview. Do note: this is not a selection interview, this is the second part of the study choice activities - an applicant cannot be rejected based on the assessment or interview.
1. Go to the applicant's file (via the "Applications" or "Werkvoorraad" or via menu "2.1, find a student".
2 At this moment, the status of the "Checklist: Assessment / selection academy" is still: AI: Link for online assessment sent - not yet completed". By clicking on this status, you will see that you can change the status. Change the status into "AI: Invited for interview".
3. Click on "Save".
Explanation red arrows:
By changing the status of the selection, an e-mail will automatically be sent to the applicant. You can check this e-mail under "Messages" ("Mededelingen"). It contains information about what the applicant can expect.
How to process the outcome of the Study Choice Activity in My online application.
Once the interview has taken place, you are to administer the outcome in My online application. By doing this, the applicant will receive a (conditional) admission letter incl a short sentence with the outcome of the Study Choice activities.
1. Go to the applicant's file (via the "Applications" or "Werkvoorraad" or via menu "2.1, find a student"
2. Fill out:
- "Date on which SKC interview has taken place"
- FINAL results on Study Choice Activities (Positive or Negative result)
3. Click on SAVE
Explanation red arrows:
By filling out the Date and Result (Positive/Negative), the status of the application will automatically change from "AI: Invited for interview" into "SKC completed - admission letter sent" (after you have clicked on Save). NOTE: this happens automatically, don't change the Status manually.
Besides this, the applicant will receive an invitation to respond to the offer. The (conditional) admission letter and request to respond to the offer, can be found under "Messages". Furthermore, the Decision will change into "(conditionally) approved".
How to change the status of more applicants at the same time?
We recommend adjusting the status at individual level, it is however also possible to adjust the status in bulk of applicants - if you want to give a certain group of applicants the same status.
1. Go to Menu 2301
2. Open the process "Int AI: International bachelor applicants AI 2324"
3. Click on the "+" of "Assessment / selection academy" and select the group of applicants with a certain status, e.g. "AI: Link for online assessment sent - not yet completed". Please NOTE: The group of "AI: Invited for interview" should not be adjusted in bulk in this screen. This because this status changes automatically after you have filled out the outcome of the Study choice activities (check chapter "How to process the outcome of the Study choice activities in My online application").
4. Select the applicants of whom you wish to change the status (with the CTRL or the Shift key you can select multiple applicants). Make sure to only select the applicants of whom you want to change the status. Once the status of an applicant has been changed, this cannot be reversed easily. In addition, the applicant has automatically received e-mail(s) about the status of the application.
5. Click on ACTIONS and choose for "Change section status".
6. Select "Assessment / selection academy" and choose for the status which you want to give to all the applicants you have selected. To finalize this action, click on "Change section status".
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