MA all programmes (except for TDM / LS) How should the master applicants be processed by the academy?
Purpose: processing of the Master applications by the Academy in the Osiris Application module. Note: for the TDM process there is a separate Screenstep file: MA TDM.
For whom: Academy staff
Setting your e-mail signature before you can start working with My online application (you only need to do this once)
During the application and admission process, the applicant receives several automatically sent e-mail messages. In case an e-mail message is sent by the academy, the e-mail signature of the person who takes the action in the system is shown in the e-mail. That's why it is important to set your E-mail signature in the system. You only need to do this once.
1. Click in the right upper corner (green bar) on your name > Personal configurations
2. Click on "Messages"
3. Here you can enter your e-mail signature. Be aware that, in case you work for multiple academies or programmes, this signature should apply for all options.
4. Click on Save
Status of an applicant by the time the role of the academy in the Application process starts:
1. Here you see which master programme the applicant applied for in Studielink. Please make sure to select the correct line in case the applicant has more than one Studielink applications.
2. When "Checklist Assessment / selection academy" has the status "Academy - ready for assessment", this application is ready to be assessed by the academy. "Academy - ready for assessment" means that the applicant has taken all necessary steps so far, and:
- The Admissions officer has decided, based on the documents provided, that the applicant (conditionally) meets the educational requirements;
- The Intake assignment / proposal / Motivation letter (depends on programme what is applicable) has been uploaded by the applicant.
How should the academy invite the applicant for an intake interview once the assignment / project proposal / Motivation has been approved?
- Open the motivation letter (if applicable)
- Open the uploaded assignment / project proposal or read the answers to the questions in case an external assignment is not applicable.
In case the motivation letter and assignment (document or separate questions) are approved and don't lead to rejection, please follow the steps below in order to invite the applicant for an intake interview. In case the assignment does not suffice and you want to reject the application based on the assignment only without scheduling an interview, you can read here how to reject an applicant
Please note: in case an Intake Interview is not part of the selection procedure (Leisure Studies), then only the item "Assessment Intake Assignment" needs to be filled out in the following item (2). This is described in the following instruction: "How to admit an applicant based on the assignment for the master programme Leisure Studies?"
2. Fill out the following fields:
- The date of the intake interview
- Time of the intake interview
- Name lecturer Intake interview (if applicable)
3. Choose what type of interview you would like to schedule (in the field "preference interview applicant" you can see what kind of interview the applicant would prefer):
- ACA: Invitation intake interview - Online (not for LS)
- ACA: Invitation intake interview - on location (not for LS)
4. Click on "save" after all the above mentioned fields are filled out
Explanation red arrows:
This action is done automatically by the system after inviting the applicant for the intake interview (as described above). After saving (4), an automatically sent email has been sent to the applicant: an invitation for the Intake Interview including detailed information about the date/time/kind of interview, as indicated (2). You can find this email under "Messages". Please note that if you have the interview via Teams, you will need to send a separate invitation with a link to the applicant.
How should the academy reject an applicant based on the Intake interview taken?
You have come to the conclusion that, based on the assignment / project proposal uploaded by the applicant and the interview taken, you wish to reject the applicant.
Please note: As an Intake interview is not part of the procedure of the Master Leisure and Tourism Studies, this item does not apply for LS.
1. Write in the field "Reason for rejection to this programme" why the applicant is rejected by the academy for this programme. This text will be used in the email which will automatically be sent to the applicant, so make sure to write a full sentence and close this sentence with a "."
2. Choose under the column "Status" for "ACA: Not Admitted".
3. Click on "save".
Explanation red arrows:
These actions are done automatically by the system after rejecting the applicant (as described above). Please note: do not change these fields manually. After saving (3) a rejection email has been sent to the applicant (you can find this message under "Messages"). Furthermore, the Status and the Decision are filled out automatically.
How should the academy reject an applicant based on the Assignment / Project proposal / Motivation letter?
Please note: As the Master Leisure and Tourism Studies has a different procedure (offering the pre-master after rejection) this is described separately in the following Instruction: "How to reject an applicant based on the assignment for the Master Leisure and Tourism Studies?".
1. Choose at "Rejected based on file only - no interview" for "Rejected based on file". (not applicable for IMA and SEM)
2. Write in the field "Reason for rejection to this programme" why the applicant is rejected by the academy for this programme. This text will be used in the email which will automatically be sent to the applicant, so make sure to write a full sentence and close this sentence with a ".".
3. Click on "save".
Explanation red arrows:
These actions are done automatically by the system after rejecting the applicant (as described above). Please note: do not change these fields manually. After saving (4) a rejection email has been sent to the applicant (you can find this message under "Messages"). Furthermore, the Status and the Decision are filled out automatically.
How should the academy accept an applicant after the Intake interview has taken place?
after the intake interview you have come to the conclusion that you wish to accept the applicant.
Please note: This does not apply to the master Leisure and Tourism Studies, as an Intake Interview is not part of their procedure.
1. Choose in the column Status for "ACA: Admitted to programme"
2. Click on "save"
Explanation red arrows:
These actions are done automatically after accepting the applicant (as described above). Please note: do not change these field manually. After saving (2), a (conditional) admission letter has been sent to the applicant and an email asking to accept the offer within two weeks. You can find these messages under "Messages". Furthermore, the Decision in the upper line has been filled out automatically.
How should the academy for Leisure reject an applicant for the Master Leisure and Tourism Studies based on the assignment?
You have come to the conclusion that, based on the assignment uploaded by the applicant, the motivation letter and previous education, you wish to reject the applicant for the Master Leisure and Tourism Studies.
1. Write in the field "Reason for rejection to this programme:" why the applicant is rejected to the academy. This text will be used in the email to the applicant, so make sure to write a full sentence and close this sentence with a ".".
2. Choose in the column "Status" for "ACA: not admitted" or for "LS: Not admitted - offer to start the premaster" in case you wish an automatically email will be sent to the applicant that he/she is welcome to apply for the LS premaster instead.
3. Click on "save".
Explanation red arrows:
These actions are done automatically by the system after rejecting the applicant (as described above). Please note: do not change these fields manually. After saving (3), a rejection letter or a letter with the suggestion to apply for the premaster will be sent automatically to the applicant. You can find this message under "Messages". Furthermore, the Status and the Decision are filled out automatically.
How should the academy for Leisure accept an applicant for the Master Leisure and Tourism Studies based on the assignment?
You have come to the conclusion that, based on the assignment, motivation letter and previous education, that you wish to accept the application to the Master Leisure and Tourism Studies.
1. Choose in the column "Status" for "ACA: Admitted to programme".
2. Click on "save".
Explanation red arrows:
These actions are done automatically by the system after accepting the applicant (as described above). Please note: do not change these fields automatically. After saving (2), an admission letter will be sent automatically. Besides that, the applicant will receive a message with the request to accept the offer within two weeks (please note: not applicable for Master IMA).
How can an assignment / motivation letter be rejected by the academy?
After reading the admissions letter / assignment you have come to the conclusion that you want to reject the uploaded document; in other words, you want to ask the applicant to upload a new document. Hereunder is described how you can do this.
1. Click on the grey dot (with the exclamation mark) in front of the question, e.g. "Please upload your motivation letter".
2. Choose for the Status "Onvoldoende" or "Insufficient" (depending on which language you use in Osiris). Enter the reason in why you think the document uploaded is insufficient. Please note; this remark is shown to the applicant once he/she enters the portal and is shown in the e-mail which will be sent to the applicant. Therefore it is important that you write a complete sentence. Press OK afterwards.
3. Click on SAVE
4. Once you have clicked on SAVE, the a red line will be shown in the left top of the page" Niet gemelde afkeur". This means that the application still needs to be sent back to the applicant. You can do this by clicking on "Actions" / "Acties" and to chose for "Terug naar aanvrager" / "Back to applicant". Once you have done this, you will see that the red remark has dissapeared and is replaced by the blue remark "Aanvrager moet opnieuw indienen, deadline xx-xx-xxxx".
Explanation red arrow:
As a result of the actions done as described above, an e-mail is automatically sent to the applicant with the message that a document has been disapproved and with the request to upload a new document in My online application.
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